Artist: Cyril Achard
Title: Confusion
Producted by: Cyril Achard
Label/ Date: Lion Music 2002 (1996)
Also to his credits are playing in the French neo-prog band Araakeen both live and on their second CD Mosaique. Speaking of Mosaique, the song "Celebration" is one of the bonus tracks on the remastered edition of Cyril's debut, Confusion.
The song "Pharoan" was included on the Musea compliation cds Vae victis and supplied live tracks on ProgLive 97.
This all instrumental release features some very tasty musicianship that will appeal to most prog fans.
Cyril shows off some excellent guitar work from very heavy to classical based.
This is one of the lesser know instrumental CDs to come out in a long while, but should win over listeners with it's souful technical based instrumentations.
Although classified as a progressive metal, Confusion is more of a progressive based that borrows from metal, jazz & classical styles. It does take a few listens for it to sink in but it's well worth purchasing in my opinion.
~Ron for [January 31st, 2003]